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硕士学位适合我吗? 这可能是合适时机的7个原因

今天的工业正变得更加复杂和相互关联. 雇主正在寻找具有深厚专业知识的人. They’re also looking for professionals with extensive interpersonal skills who can lead their organization forward. 这种组合是硕士学位持有者的象征, which is why it’s not surprising that completions of master’s degrees increased by 31% between 2008 and 2018.


虽然硕士学位供不应求,但硕士学位是否适合你呢? 这是一个重要的时间投资, 精力和金钱, 所以你需要确保你想要它的理由是正确的.



A master’s degree is a credential that proves your dedication to and knowledge of a subject. 不像学士学位——专注于 宽度 of knowledge through general education, major and elective courses—a master’s degree focuses on 深度 在某一特定领域的专业知识.

“硕士学位可以让你专注于相关领域的材料, 理论联系实际, 并在更高层次上发展学术写作和沟通技巧,博士说。. 乔纳森·麦库姆斯,健康学院院长 & 十大正规赌博平台大全排行公共管理专业. “A master’s degree also delves more into the academic literature where research has created a body of knowledge around complex issues and problems in the field. Students bring a pragmatic approach to this body of work and make sense of how to implement solutions to complex problems based on this new knowledge.”


获得和完善领导技能是一个终生的过程. Many leadership skills are acquired through first-hand experience in areas like relationship building, 评估组织, 解决战略问题和人员管理. 然而, a master’s degree has a unique ability to expedite this process by helping you learn from others’ experiences.

“Learning about leadership from those who have extensive experience practicing it is very valuable,博士说。. 麦克白. “在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, the instructors of leadership courses are often in higher-level leadership positions where they can help impart the nuances of leadership that are more difficult to learn through theoretical knowledge. 以这种方式, students gain the benefit of past mistakes and successes as they advance in their careers and learn to apply those lessons in their workplace.”

Reason 3: You want to learn new skills that will help you be the best person for the job.

在过去的5-10年, 由于大数据,几乎每个行业都经历了重大变化, 技术与全球化. Some industries have been affected more than others as new positions are created and others become obsolete.

如果你想更新你的技能以跟上变化的步伐, 硕士学位可能适合你. 硕士学位将:

  • 让您深入了解当今您所在领域面临的最大挑战. 
  • Teach you the newest tools, technologies and methods to seize opportunities in your industry.
  • 培养人际交往和可转移的技能, 让你成为一个更好的沟通者, 合作者和决策者.


“Developing the ability to continuously evaluate and learn in new situations is essential to an employee who can stay current in a field,博士说。. 麦克白. “This is a mindset that can be developed in a master’s degree program as you discover the expanse of knowledge available to learn in your specific areas of interest.” 

因此,虽然硕士学位会教你当今的尖端技能, 它也会让你成为一个终身学习者. You will learn how to navigate challenges, adapt to change, and drive progress at your organization.



“Most experts agree that a master’s degree has tremendous return on the investment of both time and money.” 博士说. 麦克白. “The earnings potential of a master’s degree recipient is often 15-20% more than those that hold a bachelor's degree.” 

To compete for these higher salaries in fast-growing occupations, you need to stand out. A master’s degree is a credential that can put you head and shoulders above the rest. 

美国增长最快职业的薪资比较.S. (要求学士或硕士学位)



While not every person who earns a master’s degree will see an immediate salary increase, 从长远来看,硕士学位是值得的. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the median weekly earnings for a master’s degree is $1,401, 与1美元相比,学士学位是173英镑. 在你的职业生涯中, a master’s degree can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional income.


选择硕士项目最重要的是什么? 比较特点、好处和成本,找到适合你的学校.



转行并不一定是横向调动. 对于已经获得学士学位的个人, a master’s degree can be the perfect way to shift careers while moving up the ladder. 硕士课程将帮助你利用你以前的所有经验, 学术与专业, 过渡到一个新的领域.

“People gain tremendous perspective on what they want to do for a living once they enter the workplace,博士说。. 麦克白. “有些人发现他们所在领域的细微差别更有趣, 而另一些人则想要完全追求一个新的领域. That’s why it’s common for students to get a master’s degree in a different area from their bachelor’s degree.” 

对于很多项目来说, successful completion of a bachelor’s degree will give you the course credit you need to pursue a master’s degree. 然而, 高技术, 科学或数学学位课程可能有先决条件, 所以在申请之前要确保你修完了所有的必修课程. 


招聘数据显示,对硕士学位的需求非常强劲,有3个.8200万个工作岗位要求硕士学位. It’s demand that is prevalent across a wide variety of positions in some of the fastest-growing fields.


Master’s degrees are especially sought-after for senior management and executive positions.

“Many leadership positions are requiring or preferring a master’s degree because employers need professionals who can think independently, 带着解决问题的心态来解决问题, 他们对复杂性感到舒服,” 博士说. 麦克白. “随着自动化的增加, 数据分析, 先进的技术, 现代世界的思想领袖需要硕士学位才能参与竞争.”


每个学生都有不同的故事, 但攻读硕士学位的大部分时间应该是享受这个过程. 许多学生对他们最终取得的成就感到震惊, as a master’s stretches them personally and professionally for a multitude of reasons.

根据我的经验, many students talk about how obtaining a master’s degree changes the trajectory of their life and their perspective on the world,” 博士的评论. 麦克白. “Many graduate students point to an entirely new worldview because of the amount of new information absorbed, 与老师和其他学生的讨论, 以及阅读理解和分析能力的拓展.”


你确信硕士学位能帮助你的职业发展吗? 你是否不确定你是否有时间、精力和财力来实现它? 十大正规赌博平台大全排行专门从事成人教育, 帮助职业人士平衡他们的教育, 职业和个人承诺. 这就是为什么十大正规赌博平台大全排行的硕士学位是完全在线的加速学位.

Our master’s degree curriculum is informed by industry best practices and the skills most sought-after by employers. You’ll also learn from industry experts and peers from all backgrounds and experiences as you complete your degree.

探索十大正规赌博平台大全排行的硕士学位课程的完整列表 找到适合你和你的职业目标的工作.
